About the residencies, ophthalmological research and academic training offered through SLU School of Medicine
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SIC (US 1987) : Saint Louis University School of Medicine has a long tradition of excellence in teaching, research and patient care. Established in 1836, the school has the distinction of awarding the first medical degree west of the Mississippi River.
Today, about 550 faculty members, 700 medical students and 550 residents in 48 graduate medical education programs, including residencies, subspecialty residencies and fellowships, call SLU home.
The school is a leading center of research in five key areas: cancer, infectious disease, liver disease, aging and brain disorders, and heart/lung disease.
As one of only nine NIH-funded vaccine research institutions, SLU's Center for Vaccine Development conducted pivotal research on the H1N1 influenza vaccine. Led by Daniel Hoft, M. D, Ph. D, SLU
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